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5 Martial Arts Fighting Combat Every Person Should Learn

World is full of risks. Every corner, every minute of life is at risk. These risks can be in any form but with training, confidence, dignity, and character we can turn these risk into an opportunity. Martial arts comes up with such character and confidence builder that it can changes the life of a person completely. Martial arts is not only about fighting, having a fist/free style fight but to fight with one's ego, Its about fighting with the wrong side of one person. Letting go the dark side of your personalty and bring a positive image of one self is the motive of martial arts. Martial arts is not about bullying or hurting other. It about peace. A person who used to study martial arts just to bully other is not a true martial artist. said Jet Li Here are the top 5 martial arts than You can study To bring peace and Fitness in your life. 1.Kung Fu: Kung Fu also known as Chinese Martial arts origin China is considered to be founded in the 5th AD. Making it the t

5 Martial Arts Fighting Combat Every Person Should Learn

World is full of risks. Every corner, every minute of life is at risk. These risks can be in any form but with training, confidence, dignity, and character we can turn these risk into an opportunity. Martial arts comes up with such character and confidence builder that it can changes the life of a person completely. Martial arts is not only about fighting, having a fist/free style fight but to fight with one's ego, Its about fighting with the wrong side of one person. Letting go the dark side of your personalty and bring a positive image of one self is the motive of martial arts. Martial arts is not about bullying or hurting other. It about peace. A person who used to study martial arts just to bully other is not a true martial artist. said Jet Li

Here are the top 5 martial arts than You can study To bring peace and Fitness in your life.

1.Kung Fu:

Kung Fu also known as Chinese Martial arts origin China is considered to be founded in the 5th AD. Making it the the most oldest martial arts present today. Kung fu refers that anything that required energy, hard work, patience and time to complete is Kung Fu. Its not only martial arts but is refers to all the discipline that requires hard work and practice. Kung Fu applies in every part of life. Kung Fu comes up with many styles like Tai Chi, Wing Chun  (which teaches us how to bring peace in one's life )and shaolin Kung Fu probably the oldest school in china that teaches Kung Fu today and . 

He is george and see how kung fu changes his life 
2. Wing Chun (Branch Of Kung Fu)

Wing chun is the branch and tradition style of kung fu. The motive of Wing Chun is basically "weak against the strong". It was first discovered by a woman named "'Ng Mui". The fundamental training of wing chun involved relaxation. Every exercise should be done with relaxation and softness. Ip Man the legendary master of Wing Chun and the master of legendary martial artist Bruce Lee said:
"Wing Chun in some sense is a soft school of martial arts. If someone equates that with weak and without strength. He is wrong".
Many of Wing Chun techniques are quite wonderful and specially men and women of any age can learn this martial arts.

3. Pencak Silat.

Pencak Silat (meaning "as fast as lightening") comes up with Indonesian Origin and is considered to be the most dangerous and deadliest among martial art. Silat comes up with many grappling, kicking , hand strikes techniques including penchak silat and pentjat Silat. It is basically a Malay art of self defense which is also used as martial arts and occasionally accompanied by drum for different ceremonial dance display.

The power of pencake Silat 

4. Japanese Goju Ryu

Goju Ryu Karate (meaning "Soft and hard Training") comes up with Japanese origin which is the combination of both soft and hard Japanese karate techniques and is one of the main traditions of Okinawa (An island in japan). If you have played the game "Tekken" than you probably known this man

Heihachi Mishima. Well That's his game and most of his techniques and attacks are taught in Goju Ryu making it a perfect self defence martial art. Goju Ryu consist of 12 core kata and this starts and end with kata as it represent the accomodation of more than 1000 years of knowledge formed by numerous different master who dedicated their life in research training.
5. Muay Thai

Muay Thai Origin Thailand also known as Thai Boxing is a traditional Combat sport in Thailand involve the use of different  clinching techniques during stand-up striking. Muay Thai techniques  of two categories.
1. Major techniques
2. Minor Techniques  
It also cover up kick boxing involves all the techniques. It is Good to learn Muay Thai but it involves dangerous exchange of blow(Probably hitting your elbow straight to the neck) which is not in favor for the rest of the world.


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